Product Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

We strongly believe that product quality is of our top priority. Therefore, our quality control process is implemented strictly involving professional scientists, a strong relationship with manufacturers and our topmost commitment to our users. Product excellence is one the most crucial step in our development and every stages of the process from the design, concept, procurement of raw materials, manufacturing and delivery is being monitor closely. 

It all begins with the ingredients that are sourced from only the most trustworthy suppliers. Ingredients of natural sources are check strictly for traces of contaminants such as pesticides and heavy metals. Should the company find something that isn’t right, it’s returned to the manufacturer for replacement. Every product is specifically designed and must be manufactured with strict SOPs.

GMB International’s headquarter in Malaysia only works with manufacturers with the highest standard in the market with accreditations such as GMP, Halal, ISO and etc. Every health and nutrition product must be produced under Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs). GMPs are a quality system mandated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). GMP is a recognized standard worldwide for the control and management of manufacturing and quality control testing of dietary supplements. This quality system ensures product meets specifications, is properly tested and has complete traceability. Every shipment that we received into the warehouse must be inspected and approved before it can go to our customers. All these steps and requirements are necessary in order to exceed customer expectations by providing the best products available.

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